News Politics

Japan Dead Zone: Video of search for bodies in Fukushima radiation shadow

Japan's government has ordered the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant to pay some $12,000 to each household forced to evacuate because of radiation leaks. It is estimated the compensation bill could end up topping 25 billion. However, the country's leadership has come in for its own criticism, from those still living in shelters a month on from the quake. They say helps been too little, too late. It comes as emergency response crews are finally carrying out intensive searches for tsunami victims near the nuclear plant, delayed over radiation fears.

  • Duration: 01:52



News & Politics, RT , Fukushima video , dead , nuclear reactor , fukushima reactor , fukushima level 7, reactor radiation , radiation sickness , nuclear energy , Japan earthquake , apan earthquake , Japan tsunami , earthquake caught on tape , video , Japan video , Japan quake , japan tsunami 2011 , japan 11 march 2011 , fukushima nuclear plant , chernobyl , radiation , exposure , helicopter video , Fukushima radiation