Funny Videos

The Bieber Movie: For Guys

Never Say Never was just one story... The makers of Twilight: For Guys show you the REAL story... Starring... Kirstina Colonna as Justine Bieber - http://twitter.com/kirstinacolonna Nyomi Banxxx as Usher - http://twitter.com/NyomiBanxxx Sarah McDowd as Scooter - http://twitter.com/sarahmcdowd Maryanne Murray as Number One Fan Featuring... Kevin Brueck - http://youtube.com/KevinBrueck Justin Uretz - http://youtube.com/KickDrumDecade Greg Benson - http://youtube.com/MediocreFilms David Hussey Josh Covitt - http://youtube.com/TheAttack Chris Alvarado Lauren Lapkus Darren O'Harre - http://youtube.com/KickDrumDecade Michael McCusker Sunny Peabody - http://youtube.com/GMZShow Rich Baderinwa Directed & Edited by Sunny Peabody

  • Duration: 02:50



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