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Pope Francis prays before the tomb of John Paul II on his death anniversary

On April 2, met eight years of the death of John Paul II. Pope Francis went to the grave of his predecessor at seven o'clock, after St. Peter's Basilica will be closed to pilgrims.

  • Duration: 00:59



Pope Francis prays before the tomb of John Paul II on his death anniversary, Pope Francis, news, John Paul, John Paul II tomb, 2013, death anniversary, Teh Vatican, Vatican, catholic Church, St. Peter Basilica, news, El Papa Francisco reza ante la tumba de Juan Pablo II en su aniversario luctuoso , Papa Francisco, Pope, Francis, Pope Francis, Papa, Francisco, Juan Pablo II, Ppa reza en la tumba de Juan Pablo II, nota, noticias, El Vaticano, Vaticano, iglesia catolica