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President Barack Obama Full Speech Vigil For Victims Sandy Hook School Massacre in Newtown Connecticut

Obama spoke for a nation in sorrow on Sunday, but the slaughter of the little boys and girls left Obama, like so many others, reaching for words. Alone on a spare stage after the worst single day of his presidency, the commander in chief was a parent in grief. Earlier, residents of Newtown, Connecticut gathered at church services Sunday to remember the 26 victims of Friday's school massacre, while authorities tried to determine when and where students who survived the rampage will be able to return to classes

  • Duration: 19:17



President Barack Obama Full Speech Vigil For Victims Sandy Hook School Massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, Newtown, Massacre en Newtown, Barack Obama, Barack Obama Speech, Sandy Hook, Sandy Hook School, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Discurso completo del Presidente Barack Obama acerca de las vicitmas de la masacre en Escuela Primaria de Connecticut, discurso completo de Barack Obama, presidente de los Estados Unidos, CT, Connecticut, victimas del tiroteo en primeria de Connecticut, nota, noticias, noticia