Funny Videos

Live News Blooper - Ann Keil - 10/11/11

This is Ann Keil reporting for WXIN Fox 59 Indianapolis, IN. Ann apparently forgot that she was live on the air, or the wrong tape was used in the live broadcast. She was reporting on a story about domestic violence.

  • Duration: 00:17



News & Politics , fox 59 , domestic violence , ann keil , fanchon stinger , news , blooper , oops , wxin , indianapolis , indiana , indyjoneschannel , october 12 , 2011 , 10-11-11. october , local news, fun, funny, lol, cute, omg, wtf, los mejores videos, performance, reportera fall, fail, videos fail, funny videos, los mejores bloopers.errores en la tele, transmision erronea, equivocaciones en vivo