News Politics

MAKSimum Effect: Loops, shaves & fountains in air

It's big numbers, big deals and showstopping stunts at the MAKS 2011 airshow in Moscow - and RT is there. Among those stealing the limelight is the latest Russian stealth fighter - the T50 - which debuted on Wednesday. It's lined up among the best in its class - like America's F22 fighter. Here it is showing what it can do for the crowds at MAKS 2011. But it's not all about military hardware.

  • Duration: 05:37



News & Politics, international airshow , Ramenskoe , aircrafts , technology , civil aviation , Sukhoy, superjet , defence , stealth, F22 Raptor , Airbus A380 , military , jet, air , aerobatics , Kubinka , radar, missile , Airbus , T50 , Tom Barton , Natalia Novikova , loop