Tech & Video Games

New! Zombies Map Shangri La - Gameplay Trailer Breakdown! Map Pack 3

Be sure to Like * Favourite the Sh*t out of this! what guns do you want to see in it?

  • Duration: 02:57



Gaming , shangri , la , new , black , ops , map , pack , trailer , image , leaked , jungle , gameplay , easter , egg , step , original, zombie , characters , syndicate , thesyndicateproject , gun , punch , where , to , howto , find, blackops , BO , cod ascension , cotd , escalation , footagebest , tutorial , tips, perk, super , Radio , points , bears, perks , teleport , trap , play , through , by , survive , glitch , hack , hacking , montage , snipe , 15th , prestige , lobby , free , download , achievement