News Politics

Mark Zuckerberg kills, eats and leaves

http://nma.tv An interview with Fortune magazine reveals that Mark Zuckerberg likes to personally kill his own food. Zuckerberg says that killing his own meat allows him to fully appreciate the animals he eats. Zuckerberg developed the dietary habit after roasting a pig at his house. His guests winced at the sight. A Silicon Valley chef has introduced Zuckerberg to area farms where Zuckerberg has slaughtered chickens, goats and pigs. Everyone should learn more about where their meat comes from. Perhaps Zuckerberg can educate the public via Farmville.

  • Duration: 00:58



Mark, Zuckeerberg, kills, eats, eat, leaves, farmville, facebook, interview, magazine, Fortune, killing, farm, ville, animals, news, 2011, NMA