
Zombie Apocalypse

Are you prepared for the zombie apocalypse? In a blog post, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agency urges Americans to prepare a kit if the Night of the Living Dead ends up a reality, stating, "The rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen." The facetious post aims to prepare Americans for real potential disasters like hurricanes and floods. A spokesman says the agency used the zombie reference because staff noticed a surge in traffic on the CDC site when zombies were mentioned in passing during a recent Twitter session on radiation following the nuclear plant meltdown in Japan. The zombie disaster kit includes food, water, first aid, and your important documents, but if you're going up against zombies, a blunt object may also be useful.

  • Duration: 00:43



News & Politics, zombies , cdc , zombie movies , night, of, the living , dead