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Follow-up to the case of the girl abused by her mother with a heel - Video de la niña y el tacon

Thanks to colleague Lidia Figueroa from Mexico for this contribution on behalf of the entire international team that has gathered to work together on the case of the #niñamaltratada. No one has given up, we continue to fight for the girl and her sisters. We are currently fostering a link with the Venezuelan authorities (without a court case yet as if we already have it open in Colombia although uselessly) but achieving at least a slight interest from Venezuela in initiating legal action against the suspects. As long as we do our job, give them the addresses and contact numbers of those involved. We are strongly requesting the cooperation of the authorities as they have far more resources than we do to get the very specific information they need and that is where we are. We are trying to bring them closer to the location of the suspects, by means of clues and information that we are obtaining as the weeks go by, and at the same time, we are asking them to make a greater effort. Otherwise, our colleague explains the details of the case in this video. Thank you Lidia.

  • Duration: 02:59



niña maltratada, la niña del tacon, maltrato infantil, ayuda a difundir, ayuda , denuncia , denuncia ciudadana