
The CIA is Not Gonna Like This Video..

A patent held by the US government pertaining to mind control. It's an electromagnetic manipulation technique classified as magnetotherapy designed to elicit physiological effects in human recipients through pulsating frequencies that are distributed by television screens and computer monitors. Basically, it's a patent for mind control through a screen. After seeing the topic surface on social media, reading the documents, delving into similar research, and tracking down decades-old internet archives, I wanted to tell the story of US 6506148B2 because it's interesting. To really begin, we need some context. In the aftermath of World War II, American and British intelligence agencies cooperated while competing, in a sense, to explore what was now defeated German territory, looking for weapons, scientific research, military technology, pharmaceutical products, and more. Operation Paperclip, as it's now known, was a very real, very secret at the time endeavor, resulting in measurable scientific growth and gain for America. Example, German technology and recovered research out of literal death camps post-World War II resulted in the product we now know as Bayer Aspirin. This is a commonly accepted historical fact, but it goes deeper.

  • Duration: 13:44

