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BBVA gives away money! Users report unknown deposits of thousands of pesos

Users of social networks reported alleged deposits from BBVA to their bank accounts; however, the financial institution explained that these were some recent purchase transactions made with debit cards that were not charged to the respective accounts. Said amounts, said the bank through its Twitter account, "due to a human error, were released, so they are reflected in the accounts themselves as available balances." "This situation will be normalized in the course of the next few hours. The banking institution offers customers who are in this situation a sincere apology for the confusion that may be being generated with the balances of their accounts," it added. According to Twitter reports, their account balance is higher and they do not know the origin of the deposit. Users requested the support of the BBVA Responde profile, who has requested information from all the people who received the peculiar deposit. But not everything is rosy, as there are also comments from users who complained about not receiving money and even created memes about it.

  • Duration: 01:20



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