News Politics

Queensland Australia, Crying...

It may break our hearts but it cannot break our will... Link to Jordan Rice, the brave teen who told rescuers to save his brother first.. http://www.thechronicle.com.au/story/... A montage of photos from the flooding here in Queensland, Australia. I'm about an hour from some of these photos in Brisbane and 2 hours from the others where the flood waters are currently still rising. People are rushing around everywhere trying to evacuate themselves, their families and their pets. Today on FaceBook there were dozens of requests from people asking for help to save their horses and other animals and move them to higher ground. People were offering accommodations on twitter, everyone has pulled together during this devastating time. Many did not make it out in time.

  • Duration: 03:49



queensland, australia, australian, flood, floods, crying, new, remake, adorable, news, politics, world, news around the world