Tutorials & Vlogs

2018 新年賀歲短片 | Happy Lunar New Year Video【中國新年】小童模特兒祝賀大家新年快樂 | 祝賀片video | Hong Kong Model Agency

中國新年,每逢過節,家家戶戶都會貼揮春對聯來慶賀。Model Factory model agency 的兒童模特兒也襯這個喜慶的日子說吉祥語,抒發美好的願望給大家。兒童模特兒祝賀視頻為這個新年添加一份盎然景象。 Every Chinese Lunar New Year, every family would stick red couplets on the door and wall with different celebrative and blessing wordings. This year, Model Factory Model Agency Kid Models gather to deliver the warmest blessing to you all. Through this festive video with lots of Chinese traditional blessings, they wish you all a better Chinese New Year ahead. 中國新年 CNY 2018 新年賀歲短片 | Happy Lunar New Year Video【農歷新年】  外籍與香港模特兒祝賀大家狗年快樂 | 新年video | new year music Caucasian kids Model & Hong Kong kids Model @Model Factory Model Agency 【 Model Agency 】【 Kids model 】【 Happy Lunar New Year 】 website : http://www.modelfactory.com.hk facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Modelfactoryhk instagram : http://www.instagram.com/modelfactoryhk youtube : http://www.youtube.com/modelfactoryhk

  • Duration: 01:25



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