Music Videos

Elephant Gym 大象体操 – Spring Rain 春雨 bass cover by 小鸟人来啦

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_MStIk9KlY Had a lot of fun with this amazing track by 大象體操 (Elephant Gym), Elephant Gym is a bass-driven math rock trio from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Thanks everyone for watching this bass cover, don't forget to leave a comment to let me know if you enjoyed this video, it's important for me! If you want to be always updated about my channel, subscribe! I have no copy rights over this song, all copy rights to this song go to the band. 一月看完大象体操 live,两月买了贝斯,三月拜师学艺,四月开始练《春雨》,五月终于录完了,感觉还不错,自认为在乐句开头的合拍和整体的力度控制还可以。 希望可以早日看到他们再来上海啊。 声音由我弹的贝斯和原曲组成,其中贝斯通过 Zoom B3 内录,原曲的低频被我切掉之后,贝斯基本上听不太出来,就直接作 BGM 了。 画面有花时间剪,所以你们应该看不出来太多破绽。 你可以在网易云或者其它一些地方听到这首歌,本作品版权归创作者所有

  • Duration: 04:44



Music, Math Rock, Post Rock, Rock, Indie, Instrumental, Elephant Gym, Guitar, Bass, Bass Player, Fingerstyle, Music Cover