News Politics

Hillary Clinton vanishes in New York

Doctors diagnosed pneumonia Hillary Clinton last Friday. The disease transpired Sunday after the candidate had to leave precipitously the tribute of 11-S in New York when feeling unwell. His campaign initially attributed to an "excess heat", but her doctor, Lisa Bardock said later that it was dehydrated and suffering from pneumonia. After the accident in the tribute, he had been reconsidered at his home in upstate New York. At night, he announced that campaign canceled a trip to California Monday. This episode feeds the last line of attack on his Republican rival, Donald Trump, raising doubts about the health of former Secretary of State. It is also fuel for those who accuse Clinton of not being transparent, revealing forced by events, although the communication of this ailment slows more serious speculation about his health that circulate in some forums more anti-Clinton right.

  • Duration: 09:49

