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Young prostitutes to know the Harry Potter Theme Park

I can assure you I'm not a slut, but I know what men want and I have a good body. " So the offer of a young woman offering to act as bride person wearing the Harry Potter theme park begins. The announcement was posted on the popular website Craigslist and, since its publication, thousands of Internet users have made their offers and commented sarcastically about it. In its publication, she explains that it is a fanántica literary saga of Harry Potter, but it does not have the financial means to go to the new theme park inspired by the books and fantasy movies. The offer includes sexual favors in the morning and evening, plus the possibility of sleeping in the same bed together (no kisses or hugs). Furthermore, young promises, 'if all goes well', the relationship could go to 'something else', details the Brobible portal. In their publication, the fan of Harry Potter includes photos that reveals much of his naked body, covered only by a scarf and high socks of Slytherin House in books by author JK Rowling. However, there is one condition and that is that the sponsor provides everything you need to feel happy young: hotel, meals, transfers, entrance and gifts, among other things.

  • Duration: 01:32



Mujer se prostituye, Jovencita se prostituye para concer el Parque temático de Harry Potter , Harry Potter, Facebook, popular en Facebook, Craigslist