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Jay-Z & Kanye West's Travel Must-Haves

When it comes to traveling, Jay-Z and Kanye West have a list of demands. TMZ is reporting that Jay Z's hotel rooms must be set at 71 degrees, a specific type of candle must be present and wants the room to be childproofed for Blue Ivy. As for Kanye, he insists on having Kashi Cereal available, and his floss must be mint flavored. He also requires a special type of speaker in his room, which happens to have been discontinued over a decade ago.

  • Duration: 00:43



Music, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Kanye West & Jay-Z, Jay-Z Travel Needs, Kanye West Travel Needs, Jay-Z Travel Demands, Kanye West Travel Demands, Kashi Cereal, Jay-Z Room Requirements, Kanye West News, Jay-Z News, Blue Ivy, TMZ, Kanye West Room Demands, CelebTV