Sports Videos

Paratrooper expert who appeared in the Olympic Games with James Bond died in the Swiss Alps

Metanews: Stuntman who parachuted into the Olympic Stadium dressed as James Bond during the London 2012 opening ceremony has been killed in an accident.

  • Duration: 01:05



Paratrooper expert who appeared in the Olympic Games with James Bond died in the Swiss Alps, Olympic Games, James Bond, James Bond in Olympic Games, 2013, Swiss Alps, metanews, Paracaídista experto que apareció en los juegos Olímpicos junto a James Bond murió en los Alpes Suizos , paracaidista de los Juegos Olimpicos, Mark Sutton, 2013, gente, personas, Alpes Suizos, muere paracaidista en Alpes Suizos