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Shock Video Security Guard Tasers Mother in Front of Her Children in Atlanta Shopping Mall

Video footage has emerged showing a woman being Tasered by a security guard after she and her children and Threatened antagonized the man outside an Atlanta strip mall. The five-minute video shows a security guard for chastising young kids making noise and playing outside the 5 Points Plaza Shopping Mall in downtown Atlanta. That's When the mother steps in and starts yelling profanities and threatening, 'Do not yell at my motherf *** ing kids! You'll get beat! ' The security guard then tells them to Repeatedly "back it up! You better back it up! 'At That point, the Children Encouraged by Their mother to join the melee, call him a racist and gay slurs. At around three minutes into the video, as the exchange grows more heated, the woman steps through the the door of a store, the security guard rushes and takes a swing at him. The children stay outside, yelling, 'You gay, gay, gay, gay.' After Repeated warnings, the security guard pulls out his Taser and shoots the woman, who goes stiff Immediately on her feet before buckling down to the ground. Seeing Their mother twitching on the ground, the children's bevaior Quickly changes from nasty taunts to cries and screams 'Mommmmmaaaaa!!' As the mother pulls at the wires and crawls away, a man comes to her side and ASKs the security guard, "For real?!? With my babies right there? ' The guard tells him to move it along of else get Tasered himself. He listens.

  • Duration: 04:48



Shock Video, horrible footage, cctv video, footage, Security Guard Tasers Mother in Front of Her Children in Atlanta Shopping Mall, security gurad, 2013, people, caught on video, caught on tape, Guardia de seguridad electrocuta a mujer con pistola frente a sus niños en Atlanta, Mall, Tasered, electrocutan a mujer, pistola paralizadora, pistola electrocutante, gente, personas, cpatado en video