Animal Videos

Giant fish bites the arm of a fisherman

A U.S. fisherman in his own skin felt how it feels to be a bait when, without much thought, gave him a piece of food at a tarpon. The giant animal thought the deal also included the arm of the fisherman. The bait fisherman carelessly tended, usually inserted into the hook, but the shad minced no fuss and decided to take a larger piece. Then began a struggle: the fish, famous for its strong jaws, would not let their 'prey' and pulled her into the water. He lost the award but quickly grabbed the other arm. He continued the struggle and finally the animal rendered water again. The shad is a genus of fish of the family of Megalopidae which can reach a length of 2 meters and a weight of 160 kg. The shad swimming in water with little oxygen so they can fish when they jump to the surface to get air.

  • Duration: 01:22



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