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MMA Amateur fighter scores her second fivesecond knockout

Veronica Rothenhausler's second MMA bout, she knocked out Noelle Cherry in five seconds. So when Ashlee Evans-Smith, her opponent at Tuff-n-Uff, prepared for Rothenhausler's next bout, you would expect she would be on guard for another quick knockout. Then again, who would expect a fighter to get two five-second knockouts in her career, much less two consecutive five-second knockouts.

  • Duration: 00:52



MMA: Amateur fighter scores her second five-second knockout, amateur, fighter, fight, Veronica Rothenhausler', mma, SPORT, SPORTS, 2012, CAUGHT ON TAPE, VIDEO, VIDEOS, Noelle Cherry, KO, five seconds, awesome, impressive, Impresionante KO de 5 segundos por una peleadora amateur, 5 segundos, deporte, deportes, lcuhadora, peleadora, segundo