Tutoriales & Vlogs

Apple of China OUKITEL U7 Pro Vs. iPhone 6S Plus

When it comes to China's Apple, many people may mention Xiaomi first. But you will not forget the latest Apple of China OUKITEL U7 Pro after watching this video. Compared to iPhone 6S Plus, its beautiful appearance, air gesture & smart wake up, download speed under WiFi and gaming must impress you very much. Don't believe? Please watch to finish! Know more details here: www.oukitel.cc/products/original/201510/­94.html Official Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/oukitelmobile

  • Duración: 03:31



IPhone 6S, IPhone 6s Plus, Smartphone , IPhone, Apple of China, Apple, OUKITEL, OUKITEL U7 Pro