Noticias y Política

Blackwater back in Iraq for a little greenback

With U.S. forces packing up and leaving - Iraq, devasted by almost a decade of war, is looking at an uncertain future. And that offers a profitable opportunity for the world's most infamous mercenary company - Blackwater. Now rebranded 'Academi' - and with an unsullied new leadership - it's hoping to bury its bloody past in Iraq, while turning a buck.

  • Duración: 03:53



News & Politics, Blackwater Iraq , mercs , Blackwater mercenaries , Blackwater Xe Academi , Xe Services , iraq withdrawal , iraq pullout , US Iraq , US war Iraq , Iraq pull-out , Iraq brigade , combat troops , Iraq withdrawal , anti-war group stop war , Iraq security , Barack Obama Iraq , US troops Iraq , Occupy Iraq, news, noticias, vidoe, raw