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Tom Hanks Opens Up About Son's Struggle with Addiction

Tom Hanks is opening up about his son Chet's struggle with addiction. The actor’s son released a series of emotional Instagram videos while in rehab revealing his battles with drugs. Hanks says, “He applauds his sons bravery adding as a parent, you love your kids unconditionally. You support them every step of the way. You got to applaud the bravery and honesty when it actually comes out of your own house.” Check out the video to get all the details.

  • Duración: 00:51



Wire, Tom Hanks, Chet Hanks, Chet Hanks Addiciton, Chet Hanks Coke, Chet Hanks Rehab, Chet Hanks Cocaine, Tom Hanks Son, Tom Hanks Chet Hanks, Tom Hanks Family, Tom Hanks Child, Tom Hanks Son Rehab, Tom Hanks Child Rehab, Tom Hanks Rehab, CelebTV, Drugs