
Botched Doctors Most Rewarding Experience!

Plastic surgery is all the rage in Hollywood, but not all nip and tucks have a perfect end result. Luckily, Dr. Dubrow & Dr. Nassif from Botched are skilled surgeons willing to take on any bad tummy tuck, nose or breast job. While their job may seem like a challenge, both doctors enjoy giving their patients the look that they fell comfortable in. We caught up with the Botched surgeons on the Upfronts red carpet and got the scoop on the rewarding part of their job.

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Studio, Paul Nassif, Terry Dubrow, Botched, Terry Dubrow Sugeron, Paul Nassif Surgeon, E! Network, Paul Nassif Surgery, Celebrity Plastic Surgery, Celeb Surgeries, Botched Surgeries, Botched Celeb Surgeries, Dr. Nassif, Dr. Dubrow, E,