News Politics

NYPD arrest Philly police retired captain Raymond Lewis

As NYPD arrested Philly police retired captain Raymond Lewis at OWS protest, crowds were cheering. It comes as peaceful Occupy Wall Street protest has turned violent yet again.

  • Duration: 00:46



News & Politics, November 17 , New York , Day of action , Occupy Wall Street 17 , #N17 , OWS , occupy movement , NYPD , the NYPD occupy, Zuccotti park , occupy Zuccotti , arrest , pepper spray, fireworks , occupy clashes , horse police , horseback , police brutality , tensions rise , occupy wall street , Occupy Oakland video , Occupy Oakland protesters , Occupy Cal US occupy protest , 99 percent , Cops , Nyc, news, noticias, vidoe, police, cop, arrestados, people, genmtem, manifestantess, N.Y.nyeva york, policas, ocupantes, street