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Orange is the New Black Star Facing Assault Charges

OITNB star Dascha Polanco is in some real life legal trouble. The 33-year-old is facing four counts of assault and harassment for allegedly assaulting a 17-year-old. According to court documents, Michelle Cardona alleges that the actress punched her in the head, pulled her hair and used her fingernails to scratch up her arms, while at the minor’s Manhattan home. Polanco’s lawyer says that his client was set up, and Cardona is seeking to money from Dascha. Polanco’s next court date is set for January.

  • Duration: 00:37



Wire, Dascha Polanco, Orange is the New Black, OITNB, OITNB Star Sued, Dascha Polanco Assault, Celeb Assault Charges, Celebs Facing Assault, Polanco, Polanco Set For Court, Polanco Assault Minor, Celebs Legal Trouble, Polanco Legal Trouble,