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Richard Branson dressed as an air stewardess after losing bet

Richard Branson donned lipstick and high heels on a flight from Perth to Kuala Lumpur after losing a bet with fellow motor-racing rival, Tony Fernandes. The founder and chairman of Virgin Group founder was honouring a bet he made - and lost - with fellow airline owner and motor-racing rival, Tony Fernandes. They had wagered on which one of the their Formula One racing teams would cross the line first in their debut season of the 2010 Formula One Grand Prix, in Abu Dhabi. The loser would have to serve as a flight attendant on board the winner's airline.

  • Duration: 01:24



Richard Branson dressed as an air stewardess after losing bet , Richard Branson, news, 2013, celebs, celebrities, Sir Richard Branson, Richard Branson se viste como una azafata tras perder apuesta, Richard Branson air stewardess, se viste de azafata