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Fans of Justin Bieber cut his arms to prevent the singer smoke CutforBieber

Girls around the world will cut the skin of his arms to prove their loyalty to the icon. First there were several fake accounts on twitter that rose photos armfuls of cut, and wrote under the pictures messages like "Justin Bieber, stop smoking marijuana and I fail to cut" or different versions of it. And while most people were reading these fake messages with manipulated photos, but became popular hashtag "CutForBieber, meaning # CortandoParaBieber. In just two hours, hundreds of photos flooded twitter! This time, the little girls who really had hurt his arms. CuttingForBieber the hashtag was trending topic across the country. And most disgusting of all is that this self-mutilation by innocent girls who do not know how to control his passion for the icon was exactly what they wanted the horrible people who created the false rumor: exploiting one of the most fragile and vulnerable groups, teen age girls and tween. Girls open and realized that this was a malicious prank, and wish them luck in their physical and psychological recovery.

  • Duration: 02:05



Fans of Justin Bieber cut his arms to prevent the singer smoke, #CutforBieber, Justin Bieber, celebs, celebrities, fans, hashtag, marihuana, marijuana, Justin Bieber smoking weed, twitter, fans, beliebers, trending topic, Fans de Justin Bieber se cortan los brazos para evitar que el cantante fume, fans, fanaticas, cantante, cantante Canadiense, celebridades, chismes, espectaculos, TMZ