Tutorials & Vlogs

Caught on video entering the strange object from space at Popocatépetl

During the news of Joaquin Lopez Doriga were shown a video of a camera that monitors the activity of Popocatepetl caught the moment when a strange object enters the volcano

  • Duration: 03:53



Caught on video entering the strange object from space at Popocatépetl, Popocatepetl, news, 2012, people, caught on tape, video, videos, Volcano, Mexican Volcano, camara, Joaquin Lopez Doriga, activity, news, 2012, Captan extraño objeto entrando al Popocatépetl desde el espacio, espacio, volcan Popocatepetl, actvidad volcanica, gente, personas, captado en video, doomsday, apocalipsis, noticias, noticiero