
My Paper Mind

An experimental animation exploring the “Stratastencil” technique devised by Javan Ivey. Inspired by the Stratacut technique, Stratastencil is an additive process. Stratacut removes material to reveal another layer, while this technique adds another layer while still showing the layer before it. Created to meet the criteria of his introductory stop motion class at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY, director Javan Ivey says he, in turn, recorded a stop motion film of himself creating the film to keep from slacking off. “Cutting averaged about six minutes per frame, and during the final weekend, I had to cut for 18 hours straight to make the deadline. You can see the light from the sunrise toward the end. Ivey also plunked out the soundtrack himself on a ukulele. Schedule: four weeks.

  • Duration: 01:27



film animation video cartoon comics hobby entertainment 3D funny humor graceful comedy parody satire TV