News Politics

Aerial video shows immediate aftermath of 14m tsunami at Fukushima

Recently released helicopter video showed immediate aftermath of tsunami at Fukushima. Tokyo Electric Power Company says its nuclear power plants in Fukushima, built on grounds 10 to 13 meters above sea level, were hit by a 14-meter-high tsunami. The company had only expected a tsunami of 5.7 meters at the Daiichi plant and one of 5.2 meters at the Daini. The wave disabled emergency power generators and heat removal pumps at Fukushima Daiichi on 11 March. The loss of these systems left units 1, 2 and 3 in severe trouble that has only stabilised after the write-off of the reactors, which are now being cooled by seawater injection.

  • Duration: 00:48



News & Politics , black smoke Fukushima, nuclear reactor, fukushima meltdown , fukushima reactor, fukushima blast , fukushima explosion , reactor radiation, radiation sickness , nuclear energy , Japan earthquake , Japan earthquake, Japan tsunami , earthquake caught on tape , video, Japan video , Japan quake , 8.9 earthquake, japan tsunami 2011, japan 11 march 2011 , japan tokyo earthquake , fukushima nuclear plant, chernobyl , radiation exposure