News Politics

Fresh close-up video of Fukushima destroyed reactor, firefighters at plant

Tokyo's utility company said on Wednesday that black smoke has been seen emerging from Unit 3 of the crippled nuclear plant in northeastern Japan, prompting a new evacuation of the complex. Officials with Tokyo Electric Power Co. said on Wednesday that workers from the entire Fukushima Dai-ichi plant have been temporarily evacuated. Operators of the power station have been desperately trying to cool the reactors and spent fuel pools at the plant after it was damaged by this month's tsunami, which knocked out power to the cooling systems.

  • Duration: 02:10



News & Politics, robotic arm , firefighters Japan , TEPCO video, black , smoke Fukushima , nuclear reactor , fukushima meltdown, fukushima reactor , fukushima blast , fukushima explosion, reactor radiation, radiation sickness, nuclear energy , RT , Japan earthquake , Japan earthquake , Japan tsunami , earthquake caught on tape , video, Japan video, Japan quake , 8.9 earthquake , japan tsunami 2011 , japan 11 march 2011 , japan tokyo earthquake, fukushima nuclear plant , chernobyl , radiation exposure, noticias, video, amazing, omg, raw