Tutorials & Vlogs

Harry Potter Pole Dance!

This is pretty random. If you like or dislike dubstep, cool whatever I have other videos that aren't to dubstep, let's not make this about the song. I'm not a stripper, I am a pole dancer. I'm glad you find it sexy, so long as it is acknowledged that it is an artistic performance! But I think it turned out rather nice, don't you think? Enjoy. Filmed by Leo Kei Angelos

  • Duration: 02:18



Harry Potter , Pole Dance , Dubstep , Deathly Hallows , 2011 , HQ, Film, Fan , Slytherin , Student , Witch , Wingardium Leviosa, Obliviate , Cats , Sexy , Spell , Terabyte Frenzy, Half-dub , Remix , Erika Rodgers , Redhead , Hogwarts , Common Room , Pureblood , Mary-Sue , Dracy Malfoy, Lucius , Narcissa , Snape , Death Eater , Transfiguration , Books , Movies, New , Hot , character , Short , Dance, Routine , Tricks, Performance , Magic , Lord Voldemort , Cast , Wand , Cool