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Woman That Have Orgasms 50 Time A Day Finds New Boyfriend

Constantly aroused Amanda Gryce can orgasm uncontrollably up to FIFTY times a day after suffering with rare condition Persistent Sexual Arousal Disorder for over a decade. Once at the edge of despair Amanda, 24, is now turning her life around after finding love - and much needed medical treatment. However, under doctors' orders Amanda and boyfriend Stuart Triplett, 22, must abstain from sexual contact.

  • Duration: 03:27



Woman That Have Orgasms 50 Time A Day Finds New Boyfriend, people, snapth, woman have 50 orgasm in one day, people, rare condition, medical rare condition, Encuentra por fin el amor la mujer que tiene 50 orgasmos en un día, muer con 50 orgasmos al dia, gente, personas, raras condiciones medicas, Amanda Gryce, Stuart Triplett