
14 million screams French ad against forced marriages

A shocking ad highlights the problem of child brides. Girls who are forced into marriages with older man, and sexually abused. Although the majority of these girls live in the Middle-East and Africa, this ad seeks to raise awareness in the West by placing a French girl in the same situation, showing how inhume the practice really is. Released in time for this year's International Women's Day. Around 14 million girls from around the world suffer from this practice each year.

  • Duration: 04:14



Lisa Azuelos, LOL, Alexandre Astier, Philippe Nahon, Adèle Gasparov, 14 Millions Screams, corto, french, francés, 14 millones de gritos, niñas, matrimonios forzados, obligados, matrimonios, abuso sexual, video, Día Internacional de la mujer, mujeres, Francia, padres, niña,