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Mother stabs baby 90 times because he bit her while breastfeeding

An eight month old miracle saved his life after being stabbed 90 times with scissors by her mother, apparently for having bitten while I was breastfeeding. The little Xiao Bao name was chiefly wounded in the face and required at least 100 stitches after the incident in Jiangsu, China. The child was found by one of his uncles in the backyard with a pool of blood, so they rushed her to hospital. It was his own mother who confessed to having stabbed after he was bitten while feeding him. The neighbors asked the local government to take the baby away from her mother, but have said they will not. Apparently there have said no confirmation that women with a mental illness and, moreover, little has two other guards, the two guys who also lives.

  • Duration: 06:10



Mother stabs baby 90 times because he bit her while breastfeeding, people, crazy mom, stabs baby in China, Mother stabs baby 90 times because he bit her while breastfeeding in China, China, people, chinese people, chinese, Xiao Bao, Xiao Bao baby stabs, Bebé apuñalado por su madre por morderla cuando lo amamantaba , bebé apuñalado por su madre, 2013, gente, personas, Jiangsu, madre apuñala a su bebe miesntras lo alimentaba, gente, personas