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Preconclave Mass officiated ask the Holy Spirit to guide them in the right choice

Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI Emeritus, the 115 cardinal electors on Tuesday began the ritual of the Conclave in which the cardinals elect the successor of Joseph Ratzinger to lead the Church in the world.

  • Duration: 01:35



Pre-conclave Mass officiated ask the Holy Spirit to guide them in the right choice, mass, Holy Spirit, Conclave, Catholic Church, news, 2013, start conclave, Pope, Pope Benedict XVI Emeritus, cardinals, cardinal, Ofician misa previo a Cónclave para pedir al Espíritu Santo los guíe en una buena elección , isa del conclave, Papa Emerito Benedicto XVI, Papa Emeirto, conclave, BVaticano, El Vaticano, nota, noticias, noticia