Tutorials & Vlogs

Buckingham Palace goes up in flames

Bonfire builder has seen his final masterpiece go up in flames after 20 years of creating famous buildings. Eddie Heath spent five months constructing the replica of Buckingham Palace from wooden pallets for a charity bonfire evening at the Royal Oak pub in Dilhorne, Staffs. Mr Heath's replica of the famous royal residence is 93ft wide and 26ft tall and is made from 1,000 wooden pallets.

  • Duration: 01:24



Buckingham Palace goes up in flames, Buckingham Palace, London, England, Royal Palace, fire, Eddie Heath, replica, charity bonfire, Royal Oak pub in Dilhorne, Staffs, people, Incendio en el Palacio de Buckingham, incendio, Palacio de Buckinghnam, Londres, Inglaterra, replica en miniatura, replica