Kids Videos

Tyler Dannan the little boy tranny

His name is Tyler Dannan, and according to their confessions, when he was two years his friends tried to convince him that he was a child. Dannan has a name is bisexual, and because of that reason has decided not to change the name, but has been living as a woman with the support of their parents and teachers. Now living as a girl, with long hair and wearing dresses, admits he is happier than ever. His parents are Sarah and Bill Tyler, for when he was just two years, the child insisted it was a girl. His cup was pink, never agreed to play with toys of his brother, and when told of a costume party dressed as a princess and then refused to remove her dress. Dannan tried to cut his penis once, at another time he told his mother, "Why God made a mistake when he made me?" According to DailyMail, his parents decided to ask for help, some doctors diagnosed bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and dyslexia, but later agreed that the child was just gay. Parents Dannan led to a television program to help other parents who are going through similar situations. In the program the child intervened and said that now, "he wants to be."

  • Duration: 01:00



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