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Players in the G20 in Los Cabos Baja California Sur

By giving formal start to the seventh summit of major developed and emerging G20, President Felipe Calderon asked his guests to take actions "to match what the world expects of us." The current President of the Group of 20 welcomed world leaders at a convention center in Los Cabos in the first two days of talks on the global economic crisis. "Reaffirm our commitment to the future," Calderon said in his opening speech. The meeting represents an opportunity to know "whether we can maintain our commitment to democracy and free trade," he added. The event, surrounded by exceptional security measures, takes place in a time of global economic turbulence in case representing several euro area countries, notably Greece and Spain. Starts just a day after the pro-European right-wing victory in the general election of the latter would cause a feeling of relief from their partners in the common currency and the entire international community. "I am confident that with the will of each and every one can hope to build consensus for example to increase the responsiveness of the IMF," Calderon said in reference to other priority issues of the current economic situation, in which trying to provide more funds to the IMF. "It is essential to analyze and discuss policies that allow us to mitigate the adverse effects of volatility" financially, said hosting the international meeting.

  • Duration: 03:33



Players in the G-20 in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Players, G-20, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, news, 2012, USA, US, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, convention, economic crisdis, world economic crisis, future, European, internation community, mexican president, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, protagonistas, convencion, presidente mexicano, encabeza, inuguracion, comunidad internacional, Estados Unidos, Rusia, Brasil, nota, noticias, noticia, México, 2012